Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 32 Ecuador

Camera? forgotten. Voice Recording? Didn`t happen. Weekly update? yea, I can swing that. 
I hope I can throw out the sufficient to get your minds ticking for a conversation this coming Sunday! :D
Lessons and weekly experiences range from a fellow Brother Wilson (who doesn`t want to go to Heaven), a reactivated young family!! and some solid lessons accompanied by members - who can complain?
Without delay we`ll get to the highlight: Reactivating the Uriarte family was as priceless as any baptism I`ve been a part of. They being in their young thirties left the church with doubts, demanding studies and ambitious goals for themselves; congratulations! They made it and on their own realized it was time to go back to church where I found them. We taught the missionary lessons, they attended my Sunday class, and we made goals for the Temple!! How sweet is this? I love it when I make new friends in the mission. Tiffie, if I may say, they remind me of your family with 3 awesome little girls (though I give you the upper hand for never falling away from the church). I have enjoyed the recent opportunities to teach and bear testimony of the family and the temple. Definitely a favorite.
Guess who else came to church!? Marcelo Gordillo was a fading name in my missionary planner but slapped a smile on my face and a faith check on my concience when he walked into church Sunday with nothing more than a missed-call for an invitation. I suppose God really is in-charge of all this we`re doing and, when they`re all ready, he gives his children the shove in the right direction we need.
So... I`m sure you`re all far more aware of the past Earthquake occurance. Everyone felt it here too! Early morning screams woke me up 5 minutes before my 6:25am alarm (though I never felt the earthquake..)
Lights went out randomly one night while my companion was still preparing food (at 10:15) shoot, that`s bed time bro. I held up a flash-light for him though, while he finished cooking his refried beans to put in his burrito with eggs? ..Latinos.
Big High of the week: Found some legit butter-toffy peanuts (though I can`t say they quite match-up to Smith & Edwards).
Hope you all had a sweet Labor Day! I woke up to someone playing Speed of Sound by Coldplay. Definately a tender-mercy from the Lord. Lessons are picking up again, when my throat hurts from speaking it`s a good thing! ..or maybe I should just stop walking around singing (probably recieve more revelation that way too). I was told my a less-active member at a ward activity I`m always ¨full of happiness.¨ Wow, cool, glad I`m pulling it off ;)
I Interviewed a 13 year old Einstein who was baptized this week named Edison.
I love teaching my Principles of the Gospel class Sundays. This week we talked about the formation of the early church. I liked it because it differentiates us from all other religions: spiritual gifts, chosen leaders, revelation, priesthood and other prominent realities are what make us so special. HE is our Captain.
Funny moment: I was helping a teacher prepare the sacrament Sunday as he was the only one who showed up to prepare. It was fun, took me back. We were sweating so bad though I watched sweat coming off this kids face falling into the water cups! ha, I just chuckled and crossed my fingers I didn't pick a salty one.
Favorite studies this week:
1 Nephi 3:  aka. make a plan for your life and work for it!
Ether 2: 3; aka. the Lord gives us liberty to make our own plan, discuss it with HIm, and act! :)  I hope this doesn`t just apply to missionary work?
If you need additional studies for the week call up my aunt, Tiffanie concerning John 9. (she`s awesome, wish I could have her as a companion). 
Love to all,
Elder Wilson

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