Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 4 Ecuador

Buenas Dias! 
What an excellent week. No suprises as far as food goes this week, which is a blessing. Also many opportunities to study for the needs of others and share with them the knowledge and comfort of the Gospel. Truly, if you want to learn more for and even about yourself, focus on others!
I will begin with a few quotes and scriptures that have served as motivation this week.
"There is absolutely no point in doing mission work unless we hold on to the fruits of that effort. The two must be inseparable. Every convert is a great and serious Responsibility." Gordon B Hinkley
[Matthew 25:40] "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

I was led to a man this week who has lost all sense of hope and purpose. Unfaithful relationships and other ill choices have distanced him from family, an accident to his left arm has left him crippled and unable to work, and his assistance in the church is beyond recollection. He doesn´t pray or remember our Lord yet, being a former Bible enthusiast, I shared with him the story of David and Goliath; how David had unwavering Faith in His savior to deliver him out of the hands of the Phillistine. Though very much alone as he descended into the valley, away from his brethren and the armies of Israel, to face the man who had struck fear into a nation for 40 plus days He knew he was not alone. He knew that the one greater than all, the Son of God who overcame the world, matched his every step. Because of David´s fatih he was delivered and saved many others as well. 
I breifly recounted the persecution of Alma and Amulek by King Zeezrom in [Alma 14] and of Joseph Smith in [DyC 122] as he plead to our Father in Liberty Jail. 
I believe all of us at some point in our lives will feel very alone. It is a part of our earthly experience. However, because our Savior Jesus Christ truly was alone in the Garden of Gethsemane under the weight of the sins of us all, we never have to be. The Lords "Arm of Mercy is extended" towards all o fus when we call unto Him with "Full purpose of Heart."
"Being blessed with hope, let us, as disciples, reach out to all who, for whatever reason, have "moved away form the hope of the Gospel' [Col 1:23]. Let us reach to lift hands which hang hopelessly down." Spencer W. Kimball
Our duty is to share our hope with those who have none and our light with "those who know not where to find it."
I must admit it is convenient that many here in Ecuador Believe in Christ. His life, teachings, etc. They "love him" and He is their "everything." This is great, but too many wear the name of Christ on their arms or backs rather than their Hearts.
Christ is full of grace, mercy, and love for all men. He atoned for every one of us and invites all to come unto him. However, He teaches us in [Matthew 7] as well as [3Nephi 14] that only those who "doeth the will of my Father" will "enter into the kingdom of Heaven." Many will praise Him in hypocrisy or in ignorance thinking He will love and save all. To these He will preofess before Our heavenly father at teh day of Judgement, "I never knew you." Let us all have hope in the promise given in [St John 14:23] "If a man loveth me, He will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto Him and make our abode with Him."
I love the words of Elder Holland who stated more or less that "I speak boldly to you because nothing else seems to work." I am finding myself in a similar situation. Nevertheless the work is great and the opportunities to share the gospel are never overlooked. If no one else is learning from all of this, I know I am.
This leads into the final idea I want to share. Time is a funny thing. We are taught in [Alma 40] that "time is only measured by man" and it is very true that God works on his own schedule. This situation calls for the attribute of Patience. Patience is the capacity to endure. Being patient, we must face all opposition, delay, or adversity calmly and with Faith. It is a daily necessity as we deal with other people [companions, spouses, neighbors, family] and even our own trials which life brings or we find in our personal weaknesses. 
Many of our doubts, frustrations, desires, and faults in life can be or one day will be answered as we remember to have Patience and Faith. "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us." [Hebrews 12:1] Let us bear with patience like so many prophets and examples of the scriptures [Alma, Abinadi, Job, Sons of Mosiah, Joseph Smith...] our trials in life from which we are to learn.
I look in the mirror daily and reflect on who I am, who I was, who I will be... I know that this mission is strengthening me to meet the demands of the future and preparing me to surmount my goals. Reflecting on the words of my aunt Tiffanie, "My mission will be the rock upon which I build my future.." [Family, ambitions, decisions...]
I'm so grateful for the gospel, for the Plan of our Heavenly Father made perfect through Jesus Christ. I am filled with love and memories continually when I ponder home. Love and prayers to you all. Sincerely, 
Elder Wilson

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