Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 54 Ecuador

Writing this one out, and apologizing to those who may think I`ve long given up on communicating in the mission (I`ve just converted to voice messages more). 

I may start by saying I`m a spoiled missionary for the frequent visits to the Temple here in Ecuador I am blessed with. With the help of some good friends I completed 5 family endownments this past week. There is a work to be done in the Temple we are all called to serve in. Get a temple recommend if you don`t have one, and if you do, Go!

I`m glad to report, as I sit eating tasty and budget friendly CC cookies, I have reached the perfect mission fitness level. Unlike before, I can completely wear myself out, stretch and meditate all in my short 30 minute schedule! 

Hope this doesn`t come in too direct, all the same I wanted to share and I truly don`t want to forget the feelings of brotherly love, despair and maybe a little fear I felt this past week as my mission president helped me understand the essential role of Baptism in the Plan of Redemption (Salvation).
It all began when God presented His plan and gave us the opportunity to become like Him_understanding perfectly the price that would have to be paid... He prepared it. Most Jumped for joy, but a third rebelled and were thrust out of heaven (Rev 12 or D&C 76:25). We knew we would be tried (Abraham 3); satan became our temptor, opposition to the Father
(2 Nephi 2..) Subsequently, Adam and Eve, the Earth, and each of us when 8 years old are cast-out of Fathers presence, our origin, unwelcome disgraceful degenerated (enemies Mosiah 3:19) to God. And we thought we were Children of God, no? 
Good news is for us who have been baptized the answer is yes. However, truth is God won`t reclaim us unless we are reconciled with HIm_ by his son. You see, Christ did all that he did to Buy us, and if we live worthily, give us back_children of our Heavenly Father (whereas now we are baptized, children of Christ). (1 Colossians 1:19...) We were torn from Him so that we could learn to grow, a process that doesn`t truly begin until we find him again through Baptism. We cannot repent without being baptized for truly we are ¨Baptized unto repentance¨ (as it states 13x in the BOM). 
I understand now why the Sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 18) had such a great desire to Cry salvation to their Brothers the Lamanites. I finally get it_because I felt it too.

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