Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 18 Ecuador

Imagining Ecuador before the mission captured very little of what I`ve come to find. Dreams of hacking down a jungle in rubber boots and a machete are now only a representation of the unseen cluster of trials in the lives of my investigators, district, and myself as I try to make clear the path of those I`ve been called to lead. It`s great. My district is improving with numbers rising along-side desire for the work. I am also proud to report I finally found my sense of humor in Spanish! It took a while but I`ve made a good deal of people laugh this week, and accordingly brought a few more smiles to my own face!

It truly has been an enjoyable week. My companion even likes running! This guys awesome, and I`ve enjoyed an exercise partner - running is great - other than the dogs that chase you and the people that watch you break-down into Kung-Fu ready position expecting the worst. No stitches though, yet.
Saturday brought baptisms - in Milagro. 9 new members were added to the church; 2 of which were converts of Elder Rivas for whom we got permission to attend. And guess who forgot their camera? :( Dummy.. Milagro is cool though, bigger than Quevedo, and the baptisms were a great experience. It was big, and the President even came.
Motivational quote of the week for which I cannot cite: ¨He who says he can and he who says he can`t are both usually right.¨
Other good news: the Valero family (4) accepted the invitation to be baptized the 14th of February! It`s about to be the best Valentine`s Day of my life as I am able to begin a family`s journey in this wonderful gospel! ..we just have to get their wedding figured out first. Super stoked though for my first real family; lots of hope & prayers!

Keeping in mind that, with the fading awareness of details, prayers on behalf of those back at home have become all the more centered on the hope I have that you`re all Happy!! It`s such a huge key to find joy in that which our lives are enveloped. Too often we focus on the trials, so easily we become descouraged. Answer? Here`s one: (Romans 8:18; 28; 31-32) ..I`ll give you an excuse to open up those scriptures. With that, I had a little reminder Sunday in sacrament meeting I`ll share. With far less investigators and less actives in attendance (including the woman we`re supposed to baptize Saturday) and lacking sleep from the early 5 hour bus ride to make it back to church, I put my head down and clocked out from all happening around me. Time passed and thoughts suddenly stopped at the thought, lift up your head. My response was delayed and a hand touched my shoulder - Marionela :) our investigator, and her family, along with another family investigating the church who had all been caught up in a traffic accident. Wooh! Excitement and relief was later followed by the thought ...listen to the spirit. Have a little more faith, trust, hope; Look up :) 

Elder Wilson

I felt a little bad I didn't have any pictures for you this week, so here's my emergency photo (run to the house, pee because my bladder was going to explode, change, and we're back in 15 minutes ha). This is my favorite milk: Cinnamon milk-the rest is gross.

These are my P-day pants I didn't want to change. Rocking the casual tonight;) Cut my hair today because we have interviews with the President Friday. Bummer. Never regret cutting it though.

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