Buenas Dias amigos y familia!
I believe this has been the best week of my mission. We were able to baptize a woman and bring her one step closer to the Temple and her goal of an eternal family; doesn`t get better than that. I also got to see a man who I have previously mentioned, a man who has lost all hope and didn`t believe he still had a shot, step into that bishops office this past sunday after weeks of teaching. This past week has brought a lot of new opportunities for me as well. As old missionaries have gone I received my new companion Elder Rivas from Guatemala; he`s going to complete his mission this march and we`re looking to finish it out great - he`s a cool guy. Due to a dip in numbers, waiting for the arrival of new missionaries, I get to work in the full ward area (about the size of Ogden Valley) talk about people to meet and work to be done!
Mission life brought a few events I suppose i`ll share and see if I can`t bring a smile out of someone. The first came the other night when our slowly-draining sink finally got plugged and I got to play plumber. It is true when they say latinos are ¨tougher¨ than us gringos - I had to call E´ Rivas to dig out whatever that drain-monster was. Bleck! Anyone have an air-freshener? PS- It still doesn`t drain very good :(
The other night a lady in the ward who I don`t really know that well invited E´Rivas and I over to teach her and have dinner. Lesson went good, we even got a reference for her younger daughter (long time less active). The food however was some recipe she must have pulled off a Texas BBQ website or ancient voodoo tribal stuff - that chicken was sooo hot my mouth is still sore. Luckily the part that splattered down the front of my white shirt came out with a little work and a lot of Clorox! (whew) As far as the chicken: I went and washed off all of the sauce and ate it, our sweet lady thinking the tears running down my cheeks were still from the lesson! Anyways...
All this good stuff has been viewed from a new stand-point. I`ve been called as a District Leader and get to be an example for a lot of great missionaries. This has been the opportunity I needed to focus myself completely in the work as my responsibilities just got a lot bigger. The thing i`ve enjoyed most so far is that I`m able to check in with these guys all the time and truly as a leader search for ways to motivate and help them. As a result i`ve come across new ideas for my own area as well as a new desire. What a blessing it is to serve others. With the success of this week I have to give thanks to all of you who continue to love and support me; more specifically I owe a thanks to Cameron Munford, an excellent example i`m privileged to call my friend. Through what I believe was a spiritual prompting he wrote me a letter, reflecting on many of his own similar mission experiences. What he had to say was comforting, enlightening, and encouraging. Some things that have helped me this week:
¨I couldn`t tell you why... besides that I trusted in the Lord.¨
¨Love the People, care about them, and become engulfed in bettering people and yourself through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.¨
¨Cherish every moment; have no regrets. When times get tough, work harder. Focus on what you`re going to accomplish today, what difference you`re going to make. Don`t allow yourself to look too far ahead to the end of your mission, because it will come.¨
I`ll close with a thought I had, and one that refers back to Cameron once again. We are all entitled to personal revelation. We are invited to ask our Heavenly Father; the tricky part is receiving the answer. The answer which is so often found in the words of our Prophets both ancient and those whom speak today or through other people in our lives. If you want to find something whether it be a more effective way to work, a personal question, or whatever, do your part in searching and be open to how the answer may come. Be receptive to that subtle voice. I hope that makes sense ;) ..for someone.
Elder Wilson
E' Rivas...first night out together. |
Rivas trying on a security vest of our Stake President:) |
We were able to baptize a woman and bring her one step closer to the temple and her goal of an eternal family; doesn't get any better than that. |
Center of Quevedo. |
Showing Rivas around. |
Center Park |
Catholic church |
I never thought I'd buy crocks, but hey...they were $5, and they're durable! Good shower shoes to replace the ones that didn't quite make it. |
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