Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 11 Ecuador

Buenas Dias everyone!!

We started the week off right, and it´s wrapping up as a great one! This past Tuesday I got to practice my leadership skills again (and maybe more-so my spanish) and lead the District Meeting for my companion; it was sweet! I also shared a message on diligence and the importance of the spirit in our daily labors, focusing on an excellent scripture [D&C 107; 99-100]
Well, take your own advice right? Maybe I did. We have had a baptism for a very special youth, rescued a family that was held back by many grudges and doubts, we´re working with 4 awesome men who may very likely all receive the Melquizedek Priesthood this month, and more under the guidance of the spirit. I´m glad to say the church attendance returned to a healthy number once again this week and I got to sneak in the final testimony of the year 2014 before the bishop wrapped things up. ;)
I spent two days this week with other Elders. I was reminded of the power of prayer when, in an area unkown to me, we prayed for guidance from the spirit as to where we should go (our plan A and B both falling through). Classic story, no one in the street waved me down or were magnified with a celestial indicator, nope, but I went to the closest opportunity and 30 minutes later we had two promising families investigating the church. ¨The spirit shall be given you by the prayer of Faith..¨ [D&C42:14]
What´s new... Not a whole lot. Kids still ask if I paint my hair to make it blonde or wear colored contacts to change my eyes. Ha, nope, I´m just a Gringo ;) I did have an unusual amount encounters with wierd foods. The things you find in your soup... two chicken feet (what am I supposed to do with that!? there´s no meat). Also, a full chicken heart. I´m proud to say I got through about all of that grey tasteless meat except what I took to be the L Ventricle and aorta which the Dog was happy to recieve out the back window when [she] left the room. Other than that we´re just chugging along, looking forward to my final week of training and a change-up of things on the 15th.
This is all a bit shadowed over by the awesome meetings I was able to attend saturday with President Riggins, and area of the Seventy, Elder Useda. (he covers all of NE south america). It was a great opportunity to be reminded, re-focused, however you take it, on the work in which we´re engaged. He also spoke to all of the Leaders of the church in this area of Quevedo (including Bishops, youth leaders, etc) and it seemed to make a difference I hope to see continue in our weekly ward meetings.
How about the Christmas Devotional!? I enjoyed it, even understood it! mostly. Though I miss hearing the voices of our leaders.. translators don´t have the same ¨ring¨ in their voice. Mormon Tabernacle Choir, however, is heard in English throughout the world :)

I´ll leave you with a story about my friend Diego. He´s 11 years old and essencially an Orphan. I met him at his grandmothers house where he´s currently staying. There is no money to send him to school, he´s simply handed around to whoever will take him, as well as his brothers who are scattered around different cities. Sad. 
¨God desires that all of His children come into this world as part of an eternal family with a mother and father who love and care for one another and their children. If this is not your experience, be patient and continue to live righteously. Look for worthy role models.¨ -For the Strength of Youth                                                [Mosiah 4:14-15]
I can´t baptize Diego, but I have a responsibility I feel equally important. Diego loves reading scriptures with us. He´s accompanied us on a few visits, and for the first time in his life he came to church with us.
Like the story of Joseph, beginning in Genesis 37.. Diego isn´t exactly getting a fair start. Despite his situation I can be a role model for him and a teacher as long as our friendship lasts. I am teaching him the Gospel; starting with the knowledge that he, like all of us, is a child of a living Heavenly Father who hears his prayers and wants the best for him. A savior, who will lead us guide us, walk beside us, and help us find the way...
Be ¨an example of the believers;¨ you never know who´s watching. 
Motherly wisdom: ¨Think positive, exercise daily, eat healthy, work hard, stay strong, worry less, dance more, love often, Be Happy.¨ 
Keep Calm, and carry on. Love,
Elder Wilson
It's kind of a no-no to take pictures of peoples houses in case that they see...But, it reminded me of your gym mom;) They wear their colors on the outside here ha!

Alejandra lives in another sector, but on days I go with other elders (every two weeks or so) we pay her a visit. We went out for a "shake" this night and an evening reference. She's married and preparing for the temple. She thinks my spanish is pretty;) whatever that means...my english accent? hah

This is my Polynesian amigo. We're tight. Actually, he's from Columbia...he could pull off samoan or something, right? He's funny, very broken english that he tries talking with me. Very spiritual, cool guy.

Daily planner...creative right? Thanks!...I didn't do it;)

Majority of lessons...find a log, front step, something...and open up the scriptures!

Nayeli "Golden Investigator"

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