Graduation has come and gone for my mission training! I am a free agent, awaiting the draft today. Though... nothing new to report as far as that goes. Did I get forgotten? Either way, things are going great. A mom and daughter from another area were baptized this past saturday (while I didn`t participate in the baptism I take partial credit in their progress as I was the first missionary to contact this family and later had an opportunity to teach them again). It was fun to see that they Made It! and how happy they were; that`s what it`s all about. Another big moment for me this week, a man i`ve been working with for more than 2 months to reactivate, finally agreed to a long post-poned interview with the Bishop. He has a long way to go, but we`re making progress, uniting families!
It`s a little wierd when you sit down after a full week, feeling that you never stopped going, and aren`t quite sure what you have to share. It`s really the little things.. I tried focusing on a missionary principle this week called ¨Teach people, Not lessons.¨ Pretty straight-forward, though a little more difficult to put into practice. Understanding a person and applying doctine that will help them personally is only possible through listening, caring, and most of all the Spirit.
The Mendosa family has been on our `rescue` list for a long time, though they showed little progress, and we thus made little effort on their behalf. Three weeks ago, however, we got them to church and they haven`t missed since. They have a date to get married after the new year and the mother (who has been very distant from us) will be baptized with her son on the 3rd of January. The father and other sons are preparing to receive the priesthood. This is hard to express, long story short, they`re progressing a lot and we`re super excited!
So what changed? I truly believe they changed because I decided to listen to them and to the spirit instead of throwing a bunch of gospel at them and promising it would bless their lives if they lived it. We are friends, first and foremost. I taught the most simple lesson of my life with them (doctinal speaking) and it turned out to be one of the most powerful. Lesson of the week, listen to the spirit. Lots of hope for this awesome family and thanks for the prayers at home that are helping make it possible!
(D&C 11:12) ¨Put your trust in that spirit which leadeth...¨
Other awesome experience: Elcerita, my wayward convert, has returned to the church with a big attitude change. I came across an old note from an MTC devotional, ¨Don`t ever give up on your investigators.¨ I was with another missionary one day, in the area where she lived, and felt that I should go visit her (despite the fact that she was ready to kill me two weeks ago and I was told not to teach her anymore). Can`t argue with the spirit right? Well, she was home and let us in. The initial tension and hard feelings quickly dispersed and after talking and sharing scriptures everyone was edified by the sprit. I don`t know what finally changed her in that moment, what finally... clicked, but she is a new person. And has finally overcome smoking! yay.
What more.. I got to sing a solo at a stake talent show (I know that my Redeemer lives) in English. Thanks to the election of my companion. Though I`m no Josh Groban, everyone loved it. I`m thrilled to get to sing again for our ward Christmas party this saturday; hah, be careful which talents you share ;)
I`ll leave you with that, and wish you all the best in our Twelve Day Christmas countdown! Keep Smiling :)
Elder Wilson
Me chillin' in the house being funny;) |
Juanes likes to make the chickens fight, so I was saving them. |
Dad, your cactus has a lot of potential...and a long way to go! |
Some investigators insisted that I accept this cool Ecuador bag as a gift. I gladly accepted. |
Mom and daughter from another area that were baptized this Saturday! |
Stake Christmas Activity |
Juanes is a baby-lover |
Latinos for some reason really like Chinese people, so I came out mimicking one morning and we all had a good laugh :p |
One Elder in our zone had a transfer today, no one else. Someone had to travel with him to an area, so I volunteered.
I like seeing places! |
Long story short, we went to Santo Domingo (not in our mission area) to pick up two new Elders who were transferring to our area. They are cool guys who I traveled home with. When we arrived, they weren't ready. Shoot, I'm not waining around for you to pack your we went exploring! |
Santo Domingo is between Quevedo and Quito. It's cooler, more jungly, and yes...I found mountains!! I took a bus, then a taxi, then a walk into the lower mountain area, and took some pictures. Fun adventure, long day! |
Can I transfer to the Quito, South Mission yet? Jk, think positive, we have the temple! :) Neat area though... |