Elder Wilson

Elder Wilson

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 21 Ecuador

Parker got transferred to Milagro, Ecuador today. He didn't have time for a general email, so here's a short email he sent informing us of his transfer...along with some pictures!
...it's all good. I'm excited for the change. I'm tired though, got called at midnight and packed until 1:30 am, didn't sleep well, traveling all day, but here we are! I didn't know whether to call or visit members and converts this morning before I left at 7:30 am...I took the easy way out and just left. I'll send some emails. Sometimes you have to leave a home to gain one;)

Milagro is directly South of Quevedo where he has been serving (5 hour bus ride). It's also a short distance East of Guayaquil.

USA socks. Feeling Patriotic...President's Day!

Snap-shots from the taxi.

Welcome to Milagro.

View from my new house. Did I just get dropped in the city?

This is Elder Gallaro.

This is my new companion! He's goofy, but seems like a good guy. He is going to show me the ropes here in Milagro over the next few weeks before he goes home, so I can continue on as a District Leader. Welcome to Milagro, Elder Wilson.

This is the caption to a voice recording the Parker sent:
Full big party outside...every night. Plus the past week has been what the people call Carnival. Big parties, music all night, people throw water and paint on you and silly string and shaving cream, etc... Luckily, only water on my part. Crazy stuff in Latin America.
(voice message)
LOTS of noise/music in the back ground...then he says "What's up family? This is what I deal with almost every night. We're about to say a prayer, do some spiritual planning, and...ya, we'll listen to this awesome music;) I live in the "hood" of Ecuador. That's what's up."

Prior to leaving Quevedo, Parker recorded he and three other missionaries singing I'm trying to be like Jesus. The caption with the recording said...my farewell, going-away event. Just kidding, I didn't know I was leaving, but us four missionaries in sacrament meeting-yikes. We got through it, and everyone else pretended it was good! Those primary songs are hard...I think my voice cracked like 3 times, rough.
wish it could be attached...it was pretty good:)

Yo trato de ser como Cristo
(I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus-Spanish)
Yo trato de ser como Cristo
y hacerlo que hizo Él.
Lo mismo amor que Él mostró
yo quiero mostrar también.
Me tienta a veces
el mal a obrar,
mas la voz del Espíritu
me empieza a hablar. Dice:
"Ama a otros cual Cristo te ama
Sé bondadoso y tierno y fiel.
Pues esto es lo que Jesús nos enseña."
Yo quiero seguirlo a Él.
Yo sirvo a mis amigos y
al prójimo con amor.
Espero con gozo el regreso
de Cristo mi Salvador.
Si siempre recuerdo lo que Él enseñó,
La voz de su Espíritu le habla a mi corazón:
"Ama a otros cual Cristo te ama
Sé bondadoso y tierno y fiel.
Pues esto es lo que Jesús nos enseña."
Yo quiero seguirlo a Él

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