Making burritos again, this is turning out to be quite the popular thing amongst the members; teaching them how to cook this "rare specialty" haha |
Waiting around for missionaries running late for zone meeting, and you thought it was just Ecuador that is unpunctual;) |
Pure Ecuadorian Hot Chocolate:)
June 1, 2015 (voice recording)
Hello Family, I slacked off this past week and so I’m going to give you a quick 2 week highlight reel. I’m going to have to start with the coolest contact of my life that I made last week. His name is Angel, and he’s retired from military service at like 50 years old. He’s a native from an Ecuadorian tribe, and 100% Book of Mormon Lamanite. I’m serious, like the first I’ve ever met. He’s really educated, and he knows the bible, he’s read it, but still he retains his secular beliefs of one God who’s the son, and water and things. He recognizes Jesus as a good man who did all he did in love, but is not a God. He doesn’t recognize an atonement, or a afterlife really. Super cool guy, but I want another chance to talk to him; I haven’t found him.
Another great investigator, her name is Grey. We passed by for a lesson that we had planned, and she was playing Texas Hold ‘Em with three other ladies. So, I want to teach; Morga wants to leave, and them to play their game. So, I offered if I could win with my little knowledge of the game, they had to listen to us. Deal, God gave me a lucky hand! We had a good lesson, and Morga thinks I’m crazy, and she didn’t come to church anyway, but better hopes for next week.
We made two trips to Guayaquil these past weeks. The first one was to have a lesson about Family History, and how we can include it in part of the work. I’ve been focusing on that a little bit. I also gave my testimony about family work. It was cool. The other time we went was Monday. We went bowling again as a zone. It’s fun, but I think I did better the first time.
Another single mother that’s been less active for six years randomly came to church Sunday with her two kids, and invited us to come teach her. That was sweet. I’m going to keep sticking to my plan of just waiting around for less actives to come to church;) I’ll meet them and go rescue them. Seems to be working out alright. Investigators, a little bit harder.
Ok, where do I go next? Um...honestly Elder Morga and I were arguing a lot this week. He told me that I don’t show enough love for him, and a lot of the people here. I can’t go against him, because yeah when he’s rebelling and not living the rules, I definitely am not showing an excess of love. It actually got to the point we went to a meeting for all the people that are being trained right now. We had to go with the President and the assistants, and I called one of the assistants over. We had a big talk, and it was actually super chill. He was not accusing anyone, but totally laying down the law. Pretty much me and Morga talked it out, and we’re doing a lot better now. We’re pretty chill with one another. Laughing again, that’s important. Ok, it was a little more than that on my behalf as well. I knew God would answer me if I was honest with myself, and though Morga was incorrect to act in rebellion against me, he felt I lacked love and consideration towards him. I can’t deny what he felt, even if I disagree or don’t understand. I need to be humble enough to say, I must learn to more openly accept others and their ideas...kind of a little hard for me. Nevertheless, that’s something God needs me to learn. So, as I believe you guys know, we have weekly email communication with President, and he responds to us, and with him I expressed my concerns about my sector, that I haven’t had baptisms in three months, and yeah I’m rescuing, but it’s just not the success that I feel I should have. He shot back a great email, saying that he understood my situation. He gave me some ideas. He told me that he loved me, that he was proud of me, and grateful for the work that I was doing. His last council was, that he feels the success that I’ve brought has been by my own strength, not saying that he’s denying my spirit or anything of that matter/nature, he told me that. It recalled back words of my being set apart by President Child of the stake, to not trust in my own strength, my own talents and all that, but really I can only do this work with the spirit. He’s right. I thought a lot on it, and I still haven’t learned how to truly pray. That’s all so common and often times routine. Faith is truly the most important thing I can come to understand in the mission I think. That’s what will carry me through a lifetime. So, I have a goal to learn a little bit more about faithful praying.
Back to some lighter stuff though, we’ve had a successful week. We’ve celebrated and sat back a little bit. The mission stake invited us over for a BBQ for all of our zone of missionaries. It turned out good, a little bit long, I was in charge of potatoes. I definitely miss grandma’s twice baked potatoes, but I did not go for that. We went out to the sister’s sector, and helped them for a bit after. I also found out that they have fry sauce here, but they mainly put it on pizza, kind of weird.
Ok, last thing for tonight. What ended this week was a talent show, out in another area. It’s actually a branch, not a ward. We went out there and planned a little activity as missionaries to help out with the talent show. Me arriving a little late, saw people staring blankly at one another while a few hurried to organize...typical. I lasted about five minutes after greeting all the people before I got up the courage to go forward and grab the microphone. I introduced myself, and invited some missionaries and members to come up and participate. Some came on request, others did not. I have never been a born entertainer, I don’t feel. I’m not afraid of crowds, and I can be a leader, but to stand up and entertain, and be the joke was a little tough. I was trying, but it was funny. A lot of people were laughing. I got myself into telling jokes, a pushup contest, dancing, an aerial, and a back flip, all to get other people to do things. If I did something, they had to do something, and that lasted for like 15 minutes while we waited for everything to get set up, but hey, it’s better than sitting around and staring at one another...so, step up! Only problem I feel towards talent shows here, is that not a lot of people here in Ecuador have not developed their talents, so kind of a rough situation. I felt super, super good...after, a lady came up and she had actually when I was greeting her told me, “I like your smile” in English. I was like, “I like your English, where are you from?” She lives in America part time. It was cool. Anyway, this same lady left me a note in my scripture bag. I didn’t find it until tonight. She wrote me telling me what a good thing I did, and she was happy for missionaries like me, being funny and happy. It made me feel good. I didn’t know who it was, she just wrote at the bottom, I like your smile;) I was like aww...yeah, I know who it is. So, I’ll have that note as long as I can keep a hold of it, and not lose it. A good missionary memory.
We’re coming up on ten minutes, so I hope this voice recording sends over email. That will be a good reminder to make these things weekly instead of all at once, but I hope you’ve enjoyed a couple stories, and I’ve filled you in a little more on what’s going on out here. I send you all my love, and wish you the best.
Mom, Dad,
Not exactly sure what I´m writing this for. I only have a moment more before I have to go but, don´t worry too much about me. You´re right, I´ve talked with Auston too, and we struggle with the lack of success. It´s our personalities. It´s a grind beyond that which we´ve understood before. A different one. I will say with all sincerity that I know God is guiding my mission by revelation to me and his chosen leaders. I am having companions and experiences that I need. He always has something for me to learn. I have to focus on myself as much as those I´m trying to help, and even if they don´t choose to progress all that much, at least I´ll know I´m benefitting.
I love you both. I miss you, think of you often (though not as to become a distraction), and can´t wait for the time to come back. I´m trying to keep up the excitement and enthusiasm I put into a lot of other sports, education, etc. Knowing that truly, this is more important than all of that.
I tell you what, I can feel the spirit and the Love of the Lord so much in my life. That´s something I never want to forsake.
My favorite chapter this week was Helaman 5.
I love you. Know it, feel it.