Buenas Dias Friends and Family,
November 13 was the official mark for 3 months! To celebrate this grand moment I decided to hold my breath for three minutes one morning. Thanks to this awesome 0 Elevation advantage I set a new personal record! Cool right? Not quite sure how i´m going to pull of 4 months yet, 3 was miserable. My companion got a good laugh as I suffered through the last 20 seconds. (He personally got 1:20 haha).
I am doing great and anxious for a change up of things in a few weeks when I finish my training. The work is moving along, kind of? We had a new high for attendance in Sacrament meeting since I have been here. 136! I know, our bishops would think the ward went on strike if numbers were that low.. Our Bishop managed to excuse himself from another week of much needed interviews with the promise that he would take care of everything this saturday. yup. Otherwise we have a lot of awesome families that have rekindled their desire to be a part of the church - Men ready to receive the Priesthood - A couple new investigators we hope will continue to progress - and lots of people who need to get married ...
This week I was talking with one Investigator, a single woman of about 45 years, who asked if she could go to work for 15 days before or after her baptism on the 28th of Nov. I told her I would prefer not before as she needed to attend church and continue learning with us, but assured her afterward if she wanted she could surely go work! We had just talked about Tithing and her lack of an income. So, I thought to maybe ask what this work was. Without hesitation she explained ...prostitution. Shoot, looks like we´re reviewing Law of Chastity again. I did my best to teach why she could not participate in this work while her friend who was sitting in on our lesson assured me it was completely normal. Our investigator on a slightly humorous note figured she could go before and then be baptized, washed clean, of any sins; or go afterward and through the blessings of the sacrament be clean again after. On a bit of a sad note she, as well as many other single women, have participated in this work since they were teenagers to support their living. We are currently searching job options, continuing our teaching and, to end on a high note, she Passed her interview for baptism! ...crazy Ecuador
I know it´s November but that´s not stopping the poeple here from preparing for Christmas! Thus I made a quick Christmas lesson one morning to share with a few member families to try and receive some new references. Anyone lacking a Family Home Evening lesson for tonight? Here´s some ideas..
Look through a few scripture suggestions:
Luke 15; Parable of the Lost Sheep
DyC 18:10; Worth of Souls is great
Matthew 9: 9-11; Good Gifts
Mosiah 15: 28-31 ...Modern day mission work
Begin by asking yourselves why Christmas is such a special time, personnaly? My experience has found that it, as I believe it is with most all people, is a special time to be with our Families and remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. Great! It´s a time to give gifts, be greatful, and maybe more than ever focus on the example of Christ. Christmas is a joyous time because we are united with our families in the knowledge and blessings of the Gospel. I´ve also learned, Christmas isn´t so special for some people here ... it´s in fact just another day.
With that in mind, ask yourselves what is a gift you can give to someone else this Christmas? Even better, what is a gift you can give to Christ?
I love the Parable of the Lost Sheep where Christ truly shows His love and concern for each of us individually. Verse 7 of Luke 15 talks about the Joy in heaven if only one sinner would repent and be saved; a joy greater than if 99 who did not need repentance were received into the glory of God. This verse is preceded by the Diligence of our Shepphard, Christ, who will never abandon us but rather constantly search and call us back to the fold. All who are lost.
DyC 18:10 Simply and boldly states that the worth of souls is great in the sight of god.
Other scriptures are great additions to these two ideas.
If the most important thing to us and our greatest joy is our families and knowledge of the Gospel, likewise with Jesus Christ, is not the greatest gift we can give ..the Gospel?
It is simple. It is more precious than candy, gold necklaces, or anything found on any of the 12 Days of Christmas. I have invited many, and would extend the invitation to each of those reading, to include in your prayers direction to who is ready to recieve the Gospel. Bless an individual, a family; Be a friend and give a gift the greatest gift of all to one of our brothers or sisters this Christmas. I know the Spirit will strenghten and guide each of us who pursue this with a sincere heart. This message is simple and short but open to be adapted to individuals as any lesson should be. Best of luck to you all ...Missionaries. Have a great week!
Love from Ecuador,
Elder Wilson
Not a flattering shot of my companion, but this is our daily bus stop! |
Not so nice people live there, but it was cool to walk around their farm! |
Returning home in the back of a motorcycle cart thing after a days work. The guy just offered. Cool old black man. haha Love the little adventures. |
Request of grandma Rett - here's my study area;) You can find me here between the hours of 7:30 and 10:00 almost every day! |
A "farm" we were supposed to do service on. |
Busy Bee's;) Repping Utah,...or the Beehives. |
Swung in to support some young women in the ward. Ended up catching a part of an impressive cultural dance talent as well! |
Random fireworks that lasted for a whole minute and a half! Fun surprise! |
I was in the area, thought I'd shoot a pic of the statue. Bad picture. |
WooHoo, thanks family Quintanilla! Had some pretty tasty cake one night. They all found the old spoon trick pretty humorous also;) |
Not sure why there was a random festival one night? Something to do with the catholic church, we got some weird stares walking through, and some good food!:p |
How to lose a 6 pack in 2 years...fried dough covered in sugar, dang it's tasty! |